5 Tips to Protect Your Teeth After In-Office Whitening

Jun 20, 2024

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Brighten your smile — and keep it dazzling. Keep reading to discover five easy tips to protect your teeth after in-office whitening.

If you’ve decided to refresh and whiten your smile, congratulations — you’re taking a major step forward to boosting your confidence! Although in-office teeth whitening can work wonders for your smile, maintaining your dream results requires a bit of aftercare.

Don’t worry, Habib Rahemtulla, DDS, and our team of experts will walk you through every step of the way at R&J Dental. We’ll start by telling you five easy and effective tips to help you protect your teeth and prolong your whitening results. 

1. Avoid staining foods and drinks

After your in-office teeth whitening, your teeth are more susceptible to stains. To maintain their brilliance, you should: 

Skip dark beverages 

Unfortunately, coffee, tea, red wine, and Coca-Cola are notorious for staining teeth. If you can’t resist, we recommend using a straw to minimize contact with your teeth. 

Avoid acidic foods

Foods like berries, tomato sauce, and soy sauce can also contribute to discoloration. 

Watch for dark sauces 

Be cautious with sauces like balsamic vinegar and soy sauce. 

2. Maintain good oral hygiene 

When in doubt, it’s always important no matter the scenario to keep your teeth clean. Here’s what you can do to maintain the whiteness of your teeth:

Brush regularly 

Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a whitening toothpaste. Make sure to brush gently to avoid damaging your enamel. 

Floss daily

Don’t forget to floss! Flossing removes plaque and food particles that can lead to staining and decay. 

Rinse after meals 

Use an antibacterial mouthwash to rinse away food particles and bacteria that can cause staining. 

3. Stay hydrated 

Water is your best friend in life and for a bright smile. Here’s how it can help maintain your sparkling results: 

Drink plenty of water 

Water helps wash away food particles and bacteria that can stain your teeth.

Rinse with water 

After consuming any staining food or drink, don’t forget to rinse your mouth with water to reduce the chances of staining. 

Chew sugar-free gum 

This can stimulate your saliva production, which naturally cleanses your mouth. 

4. Use a straw 

This tip might sound simple, but using a straw after your in-office teeth whitening can make a big difference: 

Minimize contact

Drinking through a straw reduces the contact between your teeth and staining liquids. 

Opt for clear beverages 

When you use a straw, choose clear or lighter-colored drinks to further reduce the risk of staining. 

5. Schedule regular touch-ups

Last but not least, keep your smile consistently bright with regular maintenance: 

Touch-up treatments 

Over time, your teeth may lose some of their initial whiteness. Professional touch-up treatments can help maintain your results. 

At-home whitening kits 

Ask Dr. Rahemtulla about at-home kits that can be used between professional sessions to keep your smile looking its best.

Regular checkups 

Don’t forget to visit us for regular cleanings and checkups to ensure your teeth stay healthy and white. 

Ultimately, taking these steps can help you enjoy your brand-new, white smile for longer. Remember consistency is key — maintain these habits and you’ll be able to show off that beautiful smile with confidence in no time.

If you’re ready to learn more, call us to discuss your options at 210-828-9644, or click here to schedule an appointment with Dr. Rahemtulla today.